(MENAFN Editorial) The trend of bulk SMS has gained extra momentum in the past few years. With more and more corporate giants taking to SMS advertising route, Bulk SMS has become the next-big-thing in the industry. Many industry mongers believe that it is its economical streak and fast reach, which have brought it to the centre of everyones attention. Not to forget the impact of SMS advertising, which has noticed a lot more as compared to other mediums of advertising. This is also true because of the fact that almost everyone reads an SMS at least once and viral SMS is an add-on, which cannot be ignored.

Unlike other advertising mediums where there is an ambiguity of whether a message reached its target audience or not, we at BroadNet

Article source: http://www.menafn.com/1096277905/Broadnet-Makes-Big-Strides-in-The-Industry-of-Bulk-SMS-Marketing

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