by | Jun 30, 2017 | SMS Marketing |
WELCOME: Philani Maswati Chairman Lutfo Dlamini meeting Technosol Executive Director Johannes Ntshalintshali while Brand and Marketing Executive Temaswati Dlamini and Biggest Braai Ambassadors Gcebile Mvubu with Linda Dlamini look on during the sponsorshi It’s...
by | Jun 30, 2017 | SMS Marketing |
We live in an age where most messages (email and phone calls) are routinely screened and ignored by consumers. According to Mobile Marketing Watch however, text messages enjoy an almost 100 % open rate, creating an opportunity for high-level revenue generation. SMS...
by | Jun 30, 2017 | SMS Marketing |
With a whopping 75 percent of all customers wanting to receive offers via SMS, it really doesn’t take a genius to know what you should be doing – sending your customers a text message of course. And with more and more restaurants popping up every day, it’s more...
by | Jun 29, 2017 | SMS Marketing |
Marquis Software Solutions, a portfolio company of Falfurrias Capital Partners, has acquired Draper, Utah-based DocuMatix, a provider of email marketing solutions used by credit unions and banks. PRESS RELEASE PLANO, Texas and DRAPER, Utah – Marquis Software Solutions...
by | Jun 29, 2017 | SMS Marketing |
1. Attractive SMS campaignsUnless you want to overload your audience with tons of messages, you will have to limit your message to the 160 characters of one SMS. This means you have to find a creative use for the limited space to bring your message across. Make your...
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